Thursday, March 20, 2014

MARCHing on

Welcome Spring.  We've missed you. Farewell Winter.
March is just flying here are some more memories from Gramma. Oh my goodness I just realized that I have another post waiting to post because it has been officially announced.....GRAND BABY #9 is on the way. I've known for a bit, but just the family was in on the secret.  Congrats to Laura and Jeremy. Baby Dunford is coming in September...a special post will come soon.

Back to this week....
Happy St.Patrick's Day
Spent the day with my own Lucky Charm



What's all the fuss






Truly a Box of Lucky Charms....hahaha





Love this gift from Emmy...especially the heart in the middle

 Now it is these tender moments


All ready to head to working with these lovely ladies....wish Olivia hadn't played hide and seek....gave me several new gray hairs.....she sure knows how to hide....oh my heart 


Love Candace's petty print.....Monica gets to work...she's a                                                          quilting diva now!!!


           Olivia checks out the babies


Brittany's Quiet Book Looking good




They all wanted photos today.....oh so cute





Sewing buddy

Moment of reflection...or waiting for lunch to be served
           Later in the evening....while momma goes to yoga


                                Just chilling

All cleaned up and ready for bed


Some card making therapy


              Photos from my gymnasts





More cards and pillowcases.....does a soul good

almost done....welcomed Spring with some house cleaning,and organizing.

Been a long day, I'm frustrated again with communications in my life....I find it so hard to be understood.....if only...

Very tired....good night.

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