Monday, January 20, 2014

Monday memory

Monday, it comes....Olivia is the center of my day, and I see her growing up so quickly!!!We have become buddies, and she's always ready to don her apron and be my helper. She reminds me of days that I did this with Jessica, Sarah, Jacob, Georgia and a bit with Cooper ( I need more little Cooper time)( I get some time with Emmy and Finley...but I always want more!!!) These early years are so special and I am grateful that I've had such awesome experiences with all of my Grand kiddies. So here is Monday beginning with book time...I love that she is so independent and can often be found reading on her own!!


 She was listening to music in that laying on the floor photo...then we headed off for my thirty minute walk...that turned into one hour and forty minutes...and 7.24km...yes, I was tired but felt good!!

My walk down Berlin St.
I grew up on this street, and walking down it today brought a flood of memories. I had so many happy days on this street, and especially in that house. Sharing the tiny attic room with my two sisters, Saturday night hockey games with neighbor Don, shovelling the driveways with Mom,pet dog named Jip, Endora and Yogi the cats, watching game shows with Mom,getting dad up on Christmas Day,Mom and dad's card nights with friends,living with granddad Durnford, painting the tiny closet upstairs, standing over the upstairs heater, my Beatle obsession, good neighbors 
( Landsburgs,Davisons,Mumfords,Flynn,Scanlans,MacDonalds)
the Dickey Dee ice cream truck, Munchies,the scary lady who picked up gum off the street, fish and chip store, and so much more...I loved when my own kids could cross Connaught and run up to Berlin Street....ahhh Berlin Street.

and she's out!

a special card that I received

a nice dinner, dishes, some phone chats, TV time...oh how we enjoy The Black to bed soon
Thanks were good to me!

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