Tuesday, September 30, 2014


It's kind of a running joke in our family that Mom has favorites. The truth of the matter is that I DO have favorites.
Michael will always be my favorite son. Kathy will always be the favorite oldest daughter, Karen favorite middle daughter, and Laura favorite baby daughter.

BUT kids the truth of the matter is that I DO have a favorite. None of you would be mine if it wasn't for your dear Daddy and HE IS THE FAVORITE. While we still have issues that drive me CRAZZZZZY.....he is the most generous man that I know....and I don't mean in giving things. While he drives me a little nutty...he just does things for others without any fanfare. 

While I've been away he texts me first thing in the morning and last thing at night. Sometimes I joke that we talk more when I'm away than when I'm home!! He finds it hard to say emotional words ( I miss you/I love you ) but yet I feel it.

I love how he worries about his children, and quietly tries to help them. He is precious with his grandchildren ( even when he won't change diapers.) I love how he says Fe Fi Fo Fum to make Olivia scream and run, and then he tickles her on end. He has funny names for many of them, and he's a great 'poppy'.

Thanks Bill for being my man....for almost 39 years...and on for eternity. I still love our memories of our courtship..that first kiss in the livingroom....our first apartment....our first home....trips around the province....PEI cabins....oh and did I mention Disney....loved our Hawaii days...high in the sky laughing....France....Carcassone...Mediterranean.... and so so so much....you enable me beyond to travel to see my children.....love you Bill

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